How to Self-Soothe When Anxiety Surges

The only way out of anxiety is through.  So part of treatment is approaching, rather than avoiding, the things that scare us.  This can be hard and we need to find ways to soothe the anxious feelings that arise in our body when we approach a challenging situation.


One method that I frequently teach my clients is called the 54321 Mindfulness Trick.  This method helps you to come into your body, and as result less caught up in worrying thoughts, and experience all five of your senses in the present moment.   Here’s how it works!


1.     Find a comfortable sitting position, firmly plant your feet on the floor, and notice yourself being supported by your seat.  Notice what that feels like.

2.     Take 2-3 deep breaths to relax your body and your mind.

3.     Look around the room and notice 5 things you can see.  Name them out loud.

4.     Listen carefully for 4 things you can hear.  Notice and name these sounds.

5.     Now notice 3 things you can touch and go ahead and touch them.  Notice the experience of touch.

6.     Next, take a deep breath in through your nose and notice 2 things you can smell.

7.     Finally, notice what is happening in your mouth and identify one thing you can taste.


After completing this mindfulness activity take one more deep breath and notice how you feel.  Practice this exercise throughout the day when you find yourself getting caught up in worrying thoughts and anxious feelings.



Coping with Catastrophic Thoughts