Moms can’t get sick.

I’ve been in bed with the flu all week, which totally breaks the rule, “Moms can’t get sick”.  Or at least breaks the rule that when they do get sick, they can’t actually take the time off to care for themselves.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, for me I was so sick and exhausted that I didn’t have a choice but to lie in bed and take care of myself.  But that’s not always the case, often women, and especially mothers, put their self-care on the back burner in order to care for and support others.  Here are some tips for making your self care a priority in the New Year.

1.    Create a mindset that prioritizes self-care.

Self-care is about making you a priority.  This brings back balance when life has become to unbalanced by too many commitments and responsibilities.  When we become over-scheduled life becomes a game of going through the motions.  We become disconnected from ourselves and from those we care about.  We are on autopilot.  Recognizing this is step one.  If we want a life filled with connection, balance, fulfillment and meaning self-care is a must.

2.    Schedule time for self care.

That’s right.  Put it in your calendar, just like you would any important appointment.  We don’t forget to schedule important appointments for work, family, and friends.  Yet, we often forget to schedule that much needed time to connect with ourselves through self-care.  Whether you choose to exercise, meditate, or make a call to an old friend schedule time in your calendar to do something for you.  And make sure you keep the appointment.

3.    Learn to say “No”.

In order to create time for self care, we need to make it a priority.  This may mean we have to let other activities go.  We have to learn to say no to spending time on what isn’t really that important to us.  Many of us are pleasers; we don’t want to let others down.  Saying no is hard.  But in order to say yes to our own self-care, saying no to others is necessary.  And it’s ok.  When we start caring for ourselves we are more present, vibrant and alive.  This benefits everyone that we touch.

For a free consultation on how to bring more self care into your life contact Tara Harkins at 201-903-2466 or



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